About the Sunshine Bus
The Sunshine Bus is taking The Brightside Project to the neighborhoods. The Sunshine Bus allows The Brightside Project to travel around Columbiana County and to reach even more children. The Brightside Project partners with school districts and Columbiana County communities to bring the Sunshine Bus to children in need.
Did you know that it costs $20 per child each time the bus goes out? Give to The Brightside Project today.
The Sunshine Bus travels to communities in Columbiana County and brings necessities to children who need them most.
Fill out the form below to request the Sunshine Bus at your next event.
While child-friendly food items, books, personal care items and stuffed animals are needed, financial contributions are also needed. It costs The Brightside Project $20 per child each time the bus goes out. Give today to allow the Sunshine Bus to reach more children. Give here.

The Sunshine Bus has reached 4,102 children since April 2023. Did you know it costs almost $5,000 or $20 per child every time the bus goes out on the road? Give now to help the Sunshine Bus travel more often!
Request the Sunshine Bus at Your Event
Fill out this form for more details.